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October, 12th: High Voltage, the fanlisting for AC/DC, is open for business!

October, 3rd: Tawantinsuyu, the fanlisting for the Inca Empire is now open.

September, 26th: you can now join Elders, the fanlisting for the Mayan Civilization.

September 23rd: Mexicas, the fanlisting for the Aztec Empire, is now open for business!

August, 31st: application to build the AC/DC fanlisting sent.

August, 20th: applications for the Mayan, Aztec and Incan civilzations sent.

February, 1st: Love Through Time, the fanlisting forRomance: Historical is now open.

January, 26th: you can now join Love, the fanlisting for Romance novels.

January, 3rd: applicatins for the Romance and Romance: Historical fanlistings sent.